When a mysterious young woman named Mary Poppins appears at their doorstep, the family finds that she’s the answer to their prayers, but in the most peculiar way. Mary Poppins takes the children on many magical and memorable adventures, but Jane and Michael aren’t the only ones she has a profound effect upon.
Game of Tiaras
boosters2023-12-05T20:42:58-05:00When the aging king of a Magical Kingdom (England) decides to split his empire between his three daughters, Cinderella, Belle, and the Snow Queen-who-in-no-way-resembles-a-copyrighted-character, terrible tragedy ensues. Terrible, hilarious tragedy. Combining the gut-wrenching plot twists of the popular television series and the soul-numbing despair of Shakespearean tragedy, this adaptation of King Lear will leave you [...]