We were wishing & wishing for support from the Interboro Theater Boosters and our wishes sure did come true!

The support was beyond expectation.  WOW & THANK YOU are all we can say to the individuals listed below (in alpha order)!!

Your generosity & dedication will forever be remembered.

Betty Bailey, Mary Ann Bailey, Christie Bell, Robin Berkheimer, Betty Bierlein, Jeanne Byrne, Molly Collington, Alisa & Kevin Conmy, Ondrea & Joe Conway, Lisa Corcoran, Barb DiFilippo, Deb DiPietro, Jack & Margie Evans, Tammy Ferriola, Kristen Floyd, Barb Friskey, Karla Hold, Michelle Hummel, RoseAnne Kalodner, Beth Kane, Mary Ann Keough, Paula Kyle, Nicole MacDonald, Sandy Manton, Kim Marr, Lori Anne McCann, Beth McCarron, Carrie & Lenny McDevitt, Joann McDougald, Ann McFaul, Patty Oaster, Becky Patton, Barb Ponnwitz, Julie & Kevin Reeder, Amy Robinson, Lynne Relyea, Alice Saber, Janette Schreiber, Amber Shaffer, Maggie Simmonds, Dianne Suga, Kim Tuohey, Suzanne Waite, Nicole Ward, Shelly Wattman.

*Please accept our apologies if you added support but we inadvertently omitted your name above.